Leybold Turbovac 360 Turbomolecular Pump, TMP-360, Conflat DN100CF inlet flange, Made in Germany. We sent this pump to PTB Sales for refurbishment and upgraded it to use oil greased bearing (no more oil cup) so it is equivalent to Turbovac 361. The actual run time on it since refurbishment is much less than shown on the Controller. Comes with Turbotronix NT150/360 Controller, Heater and Controller Cable. Controller Cable has one small laceration on the external plastic shielding and is repaired. Please note that only the Leybold Turbovac 360 Turbomolecular pump, Turbotronix NT150/360 Controller, Heater and Controller Cable are included in this sale, no other item is included. Sales to US, Canada, UK, EU only.

Tags: cable, conflat, controller, heater, leybold, pump, turbomolecular, turbovac