New TMP-2003LM Turbomolecular Pump with controller and all cords and wiring to connect controller to pump. Controller is used in excellent condition pump is new and still wrapped in manufacturing plastic. TMP-2003LM/LMC and TMP-2203LM/LMC magnetic bearing type turbo molecular pump. The built-in high frequency motor (1) is accelerated to the specified revolutions (speed) by the high frequency power supply unit. Rotor blades (4) are fitted onto the drive shaft (3) and the stator blades (5) are arranged in between the rotor blades. A positioning spacer (6) is inserted between the stator blades. The configurations and profiles of the stator blades and rotor blades are designed for high efficiencies in various applications. The upper stages of the rotor blade and stator blade configurations are ideally designed for high gas throughput. The compression ratio of the stator blades and rotor blades becomes higher as the gas molecules converge into the lower stage configurations. The profiles of the stator blades and rotor blades are matched for the desired function. A radial magnetic bearing (7) is used at the top and bottom of the drive shaft. The axial magnetic bearings (8) are used to levitate a disk attached to the drive shaft between the axial magnetic bearings. Each magnetic bearing is provided with a gap sensor (10) to detect the rotor position. 3-2 illustrates the outline of 5 – axes control. The rotor is levitated by the control of these 5 axes allowing rotational freedom. A touchdown bearing is used at the top and bottom of the casing for safety protection of the rotor and pump should the magnetic bearings become damaged. The touchdown bearings are dry and oil free. The cooling water pipe (14) is provided to cool the pump. With the air-cooled turbo molecular pumps TMP-2003M/MC and TMP-2203M/MC, cooling fans are provided instead of the cooling water pipe (14). 1-4 show the outside dimensions of the turbo molecular pump.

Tags: controller, pumpwithei-d1003m, shimadzu, tmp-2003lm, turbo